06 June 2011

International Yarn Bombing Day!

Did you know that June 11th is the first International Yarn Bombing Day?

The moxie behind this is Joann Matvichuk who lives in Lethbridge, Alberta (Canada).

If you are are a knitter or a crocheter, I hope you will join others AROUND THE WORLD in a day of world YARN DOMINATION!
Guess what?  I don't knit or crochet and I'll be participating...you can too!  I'm planning a Pom Pom Bomb!  You know not the dangerous kind, the adorable, colorful, leave no mess behind kind!

If you’d like to get involved, there is an informative Facebook group and a website: http://iybd.blogspot.com/. The Ravelry knit graffiti, yarn bombing, and guerilla knitter groups should have local listings as well.

In central Virginia and interested in joining in with me?  Leave a comment or  Email me! 


  1. i'm so glad to have come across you as i'm planning a pom pom bomb too! i'm learning to knit at the moment and felt i wanted to contribute to this day so i've been making pom poms to cheer somewhere up. i'm in Bristol, UK.

  2. That is awesome!!!! I started this blog JUST for POM POMS! the catalyst was the IYBD! I hope you will send some pictures so I can post them here!!! Good luck, Have fun!


Share some pom pom thoughts please!